Thursday, April 22, 2010

2012... The Next Depression?


In recent months Wall Street and the big banks got bailed out with $2 trillions of tax payers' money from the financial crisis they helped create in 2008 and they are churning out record profits in the billions. When it was their turn to bail out the little guy they looked the other way. Prior to the financial crisis in 2008, that started with Lehman Brothers and the government's failure to rescue it, back in 2003 right after George W. Bush election in 2001, 9/11 and the War on Terror, I started collecting evidence that questioned the official story of 9/11. I knew something was utterly flaw about 9/11 and this sparked me to search for the truth. Over a period of 5 years I had gathered enough knowledge and insights about the history of the past 300 years that helped me put world events into perspective and helped me filter the media outlets disinformation and the government’s propaganda the world was constantly fed to from the hard facts.

In my research I learned about the secret cabal and the secret societies that rule the planet and run world finance. I learned why the dollar was designed to lose its worth since its inception in 1913 and collapse by 2012, why this current financial crisis was necessary and conducive for the realization of this grand master plan, why 2012 was a significant date and how none of these events could have happened if enough educated people rebelled against the manipulation and this secret group's grip on power. I decided to put this information into an ebook I wrote in English, French and I was looking forward to translate into 3 more languages. These ebooks had audio, video and PDF files attached in a set of 4 CDs I wanted to send to any person of concern around the world. By the time my research was done I was so eager to get these CDs out but lacked the funds to copy and ship them, so I had to put the entire project to a halt until I had found a solution. But the solution never came and finally I had to give up. So as frustrated as I was to see this information collect dust on my hard drive, I’d ship occasionally some copies here and there, but these were mere drops on a very hot stone. I knew I could change the world if I had enough of those CDs in the right hands, and I'm still eager to share this information.

Time went by and fortunately to my amazement the scenario of total world collapse by the secret group did not happen according to plan because world events took a drastic and dramatic turn during the course of 2008 to 2009 until now. This financial crisis planned for 2012 never reached the critical climax that was necessary to plunge the entire planet into a financial chaos far worse than 1929, because of the intervention of new actors behind the scene who decided to put an end to this madness, reverse the course and save the planet from an imminent danger it was facing.

This clearly shows that nothing happens by chance and events can take a drastic turn depending on the knowledge you share and the actions you take to change them. Although the world had averted and was safe from the danger it faced in 2009, financial and economic chaos still looms large in the United States. Unemployment is at a record 20% and don't believe the official 9%, the government can't refrain from borrowing and spending money it doesn't have and none of the measures that could turn the economy around for a steadfast recovery are being taken. So in all probabilities the foreseeable catastrophe to befall the US in the next 2 years will be the collapse of the dollar and the rise of hyperinflation.

From what I have learned in my research is that fiat currency and debt-money is a mean of control over society, and the technologies of free energy that could solve a number of issues (environment, hunger, poverty, etc) were a curse that should never be allowed into the public domain. Money (Gold), Religion (Pen) and Military might (Cannon) are the tools with which the secret cabal exerts its control on the mass. Debt equals bondage, your freedom is dependent on money and without money you are powerless. But the good news is that you can terminate your debt in the United States and reclaim your freedom for good with the single stroke of the pen. This is groundbreaking news if you know how to do it! The government knows it but won't tell you this secret, and if banks aren't lending money to the little guy you still can raise money online, so why wait for bank loans? There's a special link backed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) I discovered not too long ago almost no one knows about and very few people use to raise money online. There’s no need to go through tough times, there’s always a way out and this is what I want to share with the rest of the world.

My project is to show and educate how:

  • And where you can raise money online if banks deny you credit.
  • To get bank loans still even if you have bad personal and business credit.
  • You can terminate your debts in the United States and reclaim your freedom for good.
  • Why it's important to buy Gold and Silver right now, save food, water, medicine and invest in tangible assets for tough times, if the dollar collapses and hyperinflation hits the United States.

The financial crisis of 2008 was years in the making and started with the government’s deregulation in the 90s under the Clinton administration, the Bush administration and banks who started speculating and gambling with other people’s money just like in casinos. So even if things are tough this doesn't mean you can't do something to reverse the trend. First you can prepare yourself for the worst case scenario, put food on the table and still have a roof above your head
should it come. You need not to suffer the consequences of hyperinflation and this is why knowledge is important.

2nd, there's a way at preventing this doom and gloom scenario to happen, it's just a matter of connecting the dots, to hit a critical mass and speed is everything. We the people have all the power in the world
but we don't know this, so why do we fail all the time tricked by intelligent doctors and savvy con artists who will gladly reap you off and demand that you beg them to rescue you? I want to put this information out on a web site, CDs, etc. and share it with as many people as I can. I want to leverage the power of the Internet, social media and cell phones to achieve it. I have developed a strategy I'm still working on to make this possible. Go to the National Inflation Association, subscribe to their newsletter and start educating yourself about the economy, the dollar and inflation, you'll help yourself and your country and this is the first step to win the battle.

Never has a danger like this one threatened the lives of so many people but at the same time, never has a window of opportunity like ours ever risen at this juncture to fight back and inflict a major blow on this malicious attack that shall bring destruction and havoc on the many. With your help I'm trying to raise $15,000 so I can finish in a very short period of the time the strategy I'm working on and get the information out on a web site, CDs, etc. ASAP. The bulk of that money will go to implement the strategy, cover bills for paid traffic on the web and on mobile devices to reach potentially 500,000 to 2,000,000 people in the United States, and 2nd for trips I need to take.

Edmund Burke who was an Irish political philosopher, Whig politician and statesman in the 18th century, and who is often regarded as the "father" of modern conservatism once said "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing". We can both sit and wait until the events unfold or we can take action immediately and defeat them and the plotters, the choice is yours. I decided not to wait and I'm asking for your help because the time for action is now. I will appreciate any support I can get for which I kindly thank you in advance.

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